Rising energy bills are a real headache, and it feels like there’s no end in sight. It’s frustrating to think about cutting back on comfort just to pay the bills.

The good news is, I’ve been in the same boat, and I found ways to lower my energy costs without sacrificing warmth or convenience. It surprised me how much of a difference some simple changes made.

Let me share some of the best tips and tricks I’ve learned. We’ll cover easy fixes you can start with today, plus a few upgrades that will keep saving you money long-term.

Short Answer:
  • Basic Summary: Energy prices are rising. This post explores simple ways to significantly save money on heating costs.
  • The One Lesson: Saving money on energy doesn’t have to be complex or expensive. Even small adjustments to your behavior and simple DIY tasks can make a big difference.
  • My Expertise: As a homeowner for over 10 years, I’ve personally implemented many of these strategies and seen the positive impact on both my wallet and the environment.
  • Benefit to Reader: This guide equips you with actionable steps to reduce your energy consumption, save money on your bills, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Save money on heating costs through some simple behaviour changes:

1) Turn down the thermostats

One of the simplest ways to save money on your heating and electricity bills is to change your behaviour. Here are some tips to get you started:

Turn down the thermostats: According to the Energy Saving Trust, turning down your thermostat by just one degree can save you around 10% on your energy bills. Set your thermostat to the lowest comfortable temperature between 18 and 21 degrees and wear warm clothing in your home instead of relying on heating.

Keep your bedroom cool: Your body needs to cool down by a degree or two at night to get a good night’s sleep.

In Matthew Walker’s brilliant book ‘Why We Sleep’ the science says our bodies need to cool by a degree or two at night. Set your bedroom thermostat to around 18 degrees Celsius for a comfortable and energy-efficient night’s sleep.

Avoid heating unused rooms: Only heat the rooms in your home that you are using. If you have a spare room that is not currently in use, there is no point in heating it until you have guests staying over.

2) Turn it off when not in use

Don’t leave the heating on in empty rooms, it’s mad to heat them for no one.

3) Prevent drafts

Drafts are one of the biggest culprits when it comes to energy loss in the home. Here are some tips for preventing drafts and keeping your home warm and energy-efficient:

Add self-adhesive foam tape to doors. This is the simplest and cheapest way to prevent drafts from entering your home through doors. The foam tape is easy to apply and can significantly reduce energy loss.

Replace rubber gaskets on windows and doors: If you have PVC windows and doors that are letting in air and noise, replacing the rubber gaskets can help to seal them properly and prevent drafts. Stormguard replacement rubber gasket are easy to fit and can make a big difference. Here’s a video I found explaining how to do it (about 5 min in)

How to fit & replace a door seal. uPVC door seal replacement. Stormguard window & door rubber seal.

Fit louvred vents: If you have drafty vents in your kitchen or tumble drier, fitting louvred vents can help to let air out while preventing cold drafts from coming in.

4) a simple way to stop chimney drafts

We had an open fireplace, which was not being used. But was letting in a load of cold air and more importantly letting out a lot of expensively heated warm air. You can’t just seal up a chimney or you get all sorts of issues with condensation and dampness, which can be very expensive to fix.

Use a Chimney Sheep: If you have an open fireplace that is not being used, a Chimney Sheep can be a great way to prevent drafts and save money on heating bills. Simply pick the right size and shove it up the chimney to prevent warm air from escaping and cold air from entering. The room is noticeably warmer and it has a big impact on reducing wind noise. They claim an average of £99 saving on bills, which is not bad for a £20 spend. And you are helping British Sheep farmers – who’ve had a rough time recently with the price of wool.

5) adding extra insulation

Our roof was pretty well insulated, with a 200mm depth of loft insulation.  That was the recommended depth in building regulations when it was built.  That’s now been increased to 270mm.

We’ll not save a huge amount by adding an additional 100mm Due to the diminishing impact of extra layers.  But Since Putin invaded Ukraine, every little impact is saving a lot more.  And the price of 100mm insulation is pretty low.

diminishing impact of extra loft insulation

6) Install double glazing

Double glazing is a more expensive option, but it can significantly reduce heat loss and make your home more energy-efficient.

Save money on heating costs by making what you have more efficient:

7) Bleed your radiators

SAving the best and simplest until last – The simplest bit of DIY in the world.  Get yourself a couple of these

Start at the bottom of the house (air accumulates in the higher radiators – so fix the lower ones first).  Make sure each radiator you bleed is actually turned on (even if the heating is off – you want the bottom radiator valves open so they can let in water and help force the air out. Simply unscrew (anticlockwise) the valve a little until you hear a faint hiss of air.  Wait until a little water comes out of the value and then tighten it up. Have a rag to hand to mop up the dribbles (especially over carpet).

If the hiss of air stops, you probably have a pressurised system and will need to add water to the system via the external filling loop, which will look something like this.  

radiator bleeding - make sure you fill the system

Open both taps and the pressure indicator will increase (typically you want it between 1-2 bar. 1 bar is atmospheric pressure – so you want the water slightly above that to force the air out. You’ll likely have a red indicator that your heating installer would have set at the minimum pressure for your system.

Radiator bleeding - save money on heating

If your radiators are not heating up properly, bleeding them can help to improve their efficiency and reduce your energy bills.


To save money on heating bills doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Making a few simple changes to your behaviour and a few simple DIY jobs can really help to reduce your energy use.

If you want to take a bit step to improving the efficiency of your heating – take a look at this article. I found a way to create a wireless – app-controlled heating system for less than £100. It means I can control the heating from anywhere (no more forgetting to switch it off when you’re on holiday – or coming back to a cold shower). And you can link your heating to the weather conditions – so it only comes on when it’s actually cold enough … magic: